
Cactus – Prickly Pear

  • Prickly Pear Cactus
  • These white blobs are the cochineal bugs' foam that dyes remain pink and purple.
  • That foam smeared right on cotton.
  • Use tongs!
  • Such gorgeous color! However - it faded as it dried.

Project Description

Cochineal – the historic Red dye – and the dye from the cactus fruit. I have barely scratched the surface. The gorgeous pink dye from the cactus fruit did not set – it faded as it dried! My next research/exploration will be how to prepare the dye and the fabric to keep that pink.

So much to learn about cochineal – the bugs on the cactus leaves

So much to learn about the beautiful Prickly Pears themselves – besides their amazing fruits.